YES!!! As celebridades também comentem erros.

These sentences were extractes by Twitter, Instagran and Facebook. Celebrities and famous people comites writing and gramar Mistakes in their Post.
Check it up and find out them:
Encontre os erros:

These sentences were extractes by Twitter, Instagran and Facebook. Celebrities and famous people comites writing and gramar Mistakes in their Post.
Check it up and find out them:
Encontre os erros:
Find out the mistakes on these sentences bellow.
My parent are from Minas.
She don`t work on weekends.
My feivorite day is Friday.
How abaut you day.
It don`t is a good ideia!
Much cars on the streets.
She have a long rair.
How can I get somi informationes?
Nobady like my ideias hire!
Thausand people don`t study in Brasil.
More and more maney is not sufficient!
Haw are you today?
These is not your obrigation!
Eviryday I go to lunch In a restaurant.
I am afraid, I culdn`t understend your I-mail.
Don’t worry abaut nothing! I will pai you tomorrow.
Thanks to conversation.
She don`t have a car.
They don´t left early from their house.
She is his mather and they work togetrer.
I going to my house, before I am going passed to the supermarket.
She have three dogs.
Two person came to talk with us.
Many persons here aren´t guessed to the party.
How ofen do you come here?
I lissened to that music, and whached the film too.
[Justin Timberlake – Rihanna – Zack Efron – Katty Perry – Adam Sandler –Justin Bibber – Paris Hilton – Tony Hawk - M. Carey - Charlie Sheen - Noel Gallengher - Selena Willians - Miles Ciryus - Hogg Thurman(Glee) ]