Valentine's Day is a time for the friends, family and for lovers. Therefore (por isso) I decided to dedicate a section to this special day, with special love songs, poems and ideas for that special someone!
Nobody knows, (ninguem sabe) with certainty, the true origin of Valentine's Day. One of the many stories is that the name comes of a Roman priest (padre Romano)called Valentine, who if became to mártir in 270 a.D.
The traditions of this religious holiday had been linked (tem sido ligado)with known occasions mainly known as “the Roman Feast of Lupercalia”.
This festival was dedicated to the God Pastoral Lupercus and the Goddess (deusa) of Love Juno. Also known as the Goddess of Women and Marriage.
The holiday 14th of February was a holiday dedicated to Juno. The following day, ( o dia seguinte) 15th of February, began the “Festival of Lupercalia”, which was dedicated to many Gods and Goddesses.
The boys and girls lived completely separated. During the Festival the boys would pick by luck (tirar a sorte)the name of a girl from a vase, becoming partners (tornar-se parceiros) during the Festival. The pairs would then dance and playe together.
Sometimes the pairs were remaind together through out the year, (ficar juntos o ano todo) falling in love (namorar) and some even marrying.
Nowadays, Valentines Day is a chance them people to express consideration, love and friendship (amizade)not only for boyfriends, but also for teachers, colleagues, (colegas)parents and friends.