Who said that speaking in English is easy? but who said is difficult?Both who said this are right!
This blog <Textos Mastigados>comes to help you!
The original intencion it was just bring up some helps online, and now it´s more than a guide or English class.
Our foccus on are let you more confident about English rules and some curiosities
about English language.
You can use it for free. Send your doubts and ideais.
We will be very thankfull for your cooperation and participation.
Who said: Quem disse
Both: Ambos; Os dois
Bring up: Trazer; Levantar a questão
More confident: Sentir mais seguro
Rules: Regras
Doubts: Duvidas
Enjoy it! Divirta-se
Here we are! Esta é a primeira postagem. Ainda experimental e aprendendo-na-marra como se faz.
ResponderExcluirEspero que gostem e fiquem à vontade para comentar, participar e o melhor use&abuse do conteúdo.
Thanks and go on!
Nilton Inacio
Hi Fella! Very nice idea you had! A lot of people are very lazy to check a dictionare when don't know some word in a text, I am one! This blog will be a good tool to increase our vocabulary!
ResponderExcluirCongratulation guy!! Go ahead!!